Meet Our Fur Babies
Since founding Protecting Paws, we have been blessed to come to know many dogs in Bali, some of who we have rescued from terrible suffering.
While a handful of these dogs are lucky enough to find a forever home, the reality for most street and beach dogs is they have no prospect of being fostered or adopted and they will live and die on the beach and street.
For dogs like this, even the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference. We hope we have made a difference to their lives.
It all started with a dog named Putih.
Our journey to establishing Protecting Paws began in October 2021 with a single dog—Putih. She was impossible to ignore.
Her white coat had given her the name "Putih," meaning white, but when we first encountered her, her skin was red and raw from a severe skin condition.
As we stood there, we realised we couldn’t turn away. To walk past her would have been to deny her the chance of a better quality of life. So we acted.
Helping Putih became our first step in this journey. We sought medical care for her, and slowly, with treatment and nourishment, her condition improved. After a couple of months of treatment at the vet, Putih returned to the beach with her condition greatly improved.
Putih's story changed us. She was a living symbol of so many street and beach dogs—survivors who lived day-to-day through sheer willpower and rare acts of kindness. Her transformation was proof of what care and compassion could achieve, and it also opened our eyes to how many more like her needed our help.
From that day on, we made a commitment: to do whatever we could for dogs like Putih, those with no hope of finding a forever home but still deserving of dignity, kindness, and care. What began as an impulse to help one dog has since grown into a mission to support hundreds, ensuring that no dog has to endure suffering alone.
Putih may have been just one dog on the beach, but she sparked something far greater. Her resilience inspired us, and her recovery reminded us of the power of love and compassion.
Today, our charity exists because of her—and for all the dogs like her who will never have a family but can still have a life filled with moments of care and kindness.
Sammy (Lucky)
Mamma Luna and her Pups
V-Vet pups